The journey is everything! My destination, Alpha Centauri Proxima-b a potential Earth like world orbiting around our intergalactic next door neighbour. As far as I see it, it is beyond high time we as a species get out there in order to take our rightful place amongst the stars. An impossible dream you may think. But no it is not, other intelligent species do it so why not us?
But in order to take the first step of that journey we must understand the path upon which we walk. This film of mine is my second step along that path. The first a good 50 page write up that I did last year in order to commit my idea to paper that I might communicate it. In the course of that exercise I watched the Cosmic Microwave Background sky fall into alignment with my idea.
My initial hunch in the first months of having this idea was given voice by Susskind’s ER=EPR conjecture. A conjecture at the time, has since been shown through experiment to be valid. The sacrament of locality is out the window ushering in the age non-locality and all I see is an invention to generate macroscopic wormholes while doubling as a warp and anti-gravity drive. The age of macroscopic quantum physics is at hand. The first application will be, or is at the time of writing, the Qubit of the quantum computer. [1] [2]
In taking my second step down this path I have had to ponder upon the expanse of the temporal void into which our existence is expanding. Gamma rays at the time of the Big Bang have now been stretched to the microwave length by the expansion of spacetime inside our jet-a-verse. Another iteration of my model and suddenly an idea, or rather a vision, of the solution I was looking for. A unique vision of light giving birth to an array of thought experiments as the meditation upon my rendered cross-sectional diagrams of the jet deepens.
Two very prized papers have come my way reinforcing the belief and conviction of my arguments.
The first is Julian Barbour of Oxford University and colleagues’ 2014 paper “A Gravitational Origin of the Arrow of Time”. This gives mathematical voice via general relativity to my argument that the other jet is our universe of anti-matter. All anti-matter is normal matter running in the counter rotation to the direction we travel. [3]
The second is a paper that has ignited a fire in the physics community in recent weeks. By J.S. Farnes of again Oxford University “A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified Lambda-CDM framework”. This gives voice in sort of respects to what I just described in my previous section regarding defining dark energy. [4]
It has been a very good year for physics, I would say, upon this Sceptred Isle.
But in bringing this film to a close I wish to leave you with an interesting thought. In fact, I will warn you this last thought may accidentally cause you to have a major nervous breakdown. You think I’m joking? No please, seriously believe me this next thought could cause you to have some kind of major emotional reaction. Well it did for me.
So with trigger warnings and the appropriate Health & Safety checkboxes ticked, on with the story. I mean in thinking long and hard about how even to approach an idea or thesis of the kind I now present to you is one I never dare dreamed I would ever make. The only way for me to approach this is for me to tell you my story and you can make of it what you will.

The initial diagrams showing the structure of the universe from my first publication.
The diagram on the left shows the bifurcation of the two jets emerging from the mysterious gravitational singularity at the centre. Each jet divides into a series of concentric ringed layers. Seen as a cross-section through the axis of rotation, each jet has six vacuum spaces between seven layers of matter.
The diagram on the right shows the imprint of the jet as seen in Penrose’s CMB concentric circles. Superimposed on the CMB the diagram shows the bounds of the various concentric layers that make up our universe. In addition the diagram explores a hexagonal structure within the bounds of the concentric circles of the CMB. [5]
It’s in the symbology of my cross-sectional diagrams. On the left is my idea about how two jets come forth from a MacLean and in turn break apart into a series of concentric rings. The picture on the right, as you’ve seen, is the imprint of this concentric ringed structure of all creation as discovered in the Cosmic Microwave Background sky.
Led by the overt religious vision that was but a dream in my humble imagination I noticed a curious coincidence. The Arch of Titus, built in first century A.D., commemorates Titus Caesar’s victories including the Siege of Jerusalem. Its most famous fresco shows the Roman solider’s looting the Jewish Temple. In particular you can see the seven pointed candlestick, or Hanukkah menorah, is half the shape of my jet unfolding diagram. "Is that a bit of an odd coincidence?", I thought.

The shape of the Hanukkah menorah as envisioned on the Arch of Titus, depicting the sacking of the Temple Mount, was what first grabbed my attention. It was here that for the first time I began to contemplate a possible deep connection between religious symbolism and my hypothesis.
I thought so too. In fact, I thought it was just too much of a coincidence that I decided to try and formulate a hypothesis in order to test my idea against. The circumstance was a week’s holiday to Hong Kong where I spent my adolescence on holiday from boarding school in Scotland. The written Cantonese and Mandarin language has thousands upon thousands of different symbols in order to describe the world. Which symbols would then match my diagrams, if any?
I searched, walking many miles throughout the streets and countryside of Hong Kong in manner no tourist could ever know about. I was back exploring my old stomping ground where I first learnt about a language called C. But of a match? Not really, my best candidate coming from a red good fortune envelope.
There is a moment in your life where once you cross the Rubican there is no return. My Rubican was on the cable car ride up towards the Tian Tan Buddha sit on Lantua Island. If I were to repaint these diagrams I would probably be looking at Buddhist symbology. The concentric ringed dais upon which the Buddha sits, the dual seven petal lotus blossom opening, or the twelve divines. It was like watching every pictorial description to these cross-sectional diagrams of mine. Off course, you have to forgive the mess at the Tian Tan Buddha site on that day as only the other day it was hit by an eye of a hurricane. Quite literally!

(a) The Big Buddha on Lantua Island as seen from above. The Buddha sits upon a concentric ringed circular dais. (b) A lotus flagstone, at the Tian Tan Buddha, with seven petals upwards and seven petals downwards. This is in mirror reflection to the jet’s structure. (c) A Tibetan Cosmological Model showing a jet structure on top of a concentric circular base.
As an additional note, notice how the basis of the Hanukkah menorah, Tibetan Cosmological Model and the steps on the first Caiaphas Ossuary all form a series of step scales. Each step up is smaller than the one before. I would say this is a reflection of how the Superverse is scaled down, as it falls into the black hole, before a new reality is born on the other side of the white hole. Also note the Tibetan name’s for these steps; if I were to describe the inner event horizon of a black hole; “Hell of Great Darkness” is a very accurate description. [6][7]
I could not believe it. Here I had just tested the impossible coupled with a full blown act of God, a hurricane. And it was not the only hurricane that week. In my teenage years I had never been in hurricane or flown out of one.
But I guess I was just being warmed up for what came next. How you take it, well that’s on you. I did warn you and I’ll warn you again. For my next exhibit is quite the piece. Behold the Anti-Grail of Jesus of Nazareth.

The Caiaphas ossuary, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Written in Aramaic on the side is “Joseph, son of Caiaphas”. [8]
This is a Jewish ossuary from the first century AD. In fact we know who exactly it belonged to given that his name is inscribed on the side. Namely, Joseph son of Caiaphas, as written in Aramaic. This was a man who loved concentric circles. In fact, I love them so much as they are really a great source of inspiration when trying to refine my new argument about light and quantum mechanics. No joke! [11]
A second less decorated ossuary was found in the same tome belonging to Caiaphas himself. You know the same Caiaphas, the Jewish High priest, that sent Jesus of Nazareth to the cross according to the New Testament. When it came to symbology upon his ossuary its got it all. [7] [9] [10]

The less ornate ossuary found in the same tomb inscribed with the name “Caiaphas” in Aramaic. [7] [11]
A six sided circle of life, as echoed in E8 emergence theorem, on the left. A pillar breaking apart into a series of seven solid enclosing six vacuum spaces. Then again a six sided circle of life. Six, six, six. Or another reading might be. A six sided circle of life, one pillar and the twin universe echoed on the other side. Six, one, six. [12]
Though it’s this spiral here that gave me inspiration for a conceptual computer model looking at how concentric vortices seeded by a supermassive black hole could seed a galaxy leading to the classic spiral shape.

Imagining the evolution of the jet from the MacLean, which gave shape and structure to our universe, being seen in the circular symbols from the two ossuaries.
I had originally called my idea the Theory of Unification and Bifurcation when I first came up with it. In one moment I began to understand the fuss some academics make in regards to wave collapse and conscious thought.
And one more thing these concentric ringed indents are symbols of crucification nails. Two actual crucification nails were found inside the ossuary. Though the coin to pay the ferryman I will keep as I have my orders in hand requesting Charon’s resignation.
Until next time. Chou!.
Prologue : 12th Feb 2021
“Is this normal?”, I have often asked myself out loud to the midnight air. For me I guess this is the new normal. I’d imagine it would make a great conversation piece for a dinner party. “Oh I dare say, does your theory of everything come with a Holy Grail attached to it?”
“Oh it does! How splendid, you must be terribly proud?”
Levity, my only defence less I take myself too seriously and forget how to laugh at myself and the situation. For the most part I act like it’s no big thing. My basic conclusion: turns out the Christians were backing the right horse after all. And it is only my conclusion as opposed to anyone else’s conclusion.
The other part of me knows exactly what this thing is and what it means having now deployed it twice. That part having been trained in the ways by the master himself over a lifetime hidden in the darkest recess of my mind. But the reality from my point of view is that the symbology on this artefact has been, for me, both a sequential well-spring of key ideas and happy coincidences in the development of my hypothesis.
Levity, my defence and in such a light I originally presented it as I have in this chapter. A fantastic cliff-hanger to a movie in which I paint my picture of everything. All the while internally telling myself over and over again the most important line from The Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy; “Don’t Panic! Don’t Panic!”
In developing my CPT-Symmetry film, a year ago now, I wanted to present it at the end again. The main point of my film was to show mathematically how helical escape paths can give rise to a pair of CPT-Symmetric verses. But in addition I also wanted to present the symbology of this artefact again because of the central role it has continued to play in developing my hypothesis.
Although I presented some of the reasons in this chapter as to why I see the structure of the jet mirrored in the symbology upon these artefacts I felt it was only a shallow dive explanation and I wanted to go deeper. With this in mind I wrote my initial script for the CPT-Symmetry film.
It took a number of months to make the first half of that film; particularly in doing all the animations. After completing the CPT mathematics part I looked to the end of the film. My specific goal was to show how and why this artefact’s symbology had become the source of my muse. However in re-reading the script I really felt that it was far too sarcastic, too shallow and trying to make a big joke out of the situation.
I may not take religion seriously, nor have much love for it, but other people do. As the scientific method is the central locus of my identity so too is the story of the resurrection the central locus for many Christians. So it was with this thought in mind that I rewrote the second half of the CPT-Symmetry film such that I could go into even more depth as to why I see the evolving structure of the universe written upon these the Caiaphas ossuaries. All the while at the same time being much more respectful.
In doing this very act the outcome has been what to me is a series of consecutive miracles in the evolution of thought that is my Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis.
Firstly, I gave definition to the word Superverse as being the larger scale verse in which the enclosed manifold that is our universe is contained. Notice that in this my original film I did not use the word for I had not defined it yet.
Secondly, I give an origin story, in the context of my hypothesis, for how supermassive black holes came into existence such that they populated our universe from the very beginning. As all elements heavier than iron are born in the core-collapse of a hypernova then by the logic of self-similarity so to are supermassive black holes born in the core-collapse of a MacLean.
Thirdly, I developed a new equivalence statement about gravity: Gravity is equivalent to the electromagnetic force, but on the next scale up in the Superverse. Though after thinking it through a bit more I would more now state it as: Gravity-temporality is equivalent to the electro-magnetic force, but on the next scale up in the Superverse. This idea alone is like a gold vein that I really wish to mine, dig into and test; particularly in the light of Julian Barbour’s work. If there are new equations of physics to be discovered I think it is following this line of enquiry. As Maxwell grouped the equations of electro-magnetism is there a similar group of equations that explain what is to us the gravity-temporality force as it applies to the Superverse? [3]
Fourthly, in describing a concentric layered universe I talk about there being a sequence of enclosed vacuum spaces; each with their own arrow of time. These arrows of time are the red lines on my diagram and the six arrows pointing to heaven on the artefact. This in turn gives me a reasoned explanation for why we see radioactive decay as being invariant to our time line.
Fifthly, in developing the graphics and animations for my film I put together a simple particle animation in Blender. This particle animation has since become the basis for my first computational model as detailed in my essay upon the piece. This for me is a massive milestone in terms of developing my hypothesis because for the first time I am not describing it with words but actually numbers and maths. As the saying goes “If you can’t quantify it then it ain’t worth anything in physics”. Now I can begin to quantify it.
All of this simply arose and emerged all because I thought better about how to present and speak about this artefact. Moreover you can see the product of that work for yourself. Just for completeness here is a copy of the audio I recorded before rewriting the second half of my CPT-Symmetry in the Superverse film.
So that was the first time I would say I have deployed this artefact. The second time is the actual series of acts that have led me to writing these very words.
So firstly, there is the development of my hypothesis in terms of General Relativity; particularly in the light of the maximally extended Penrose Diagram. The rapidly rotating collapsing core of the MacLean gives birth to a black hole in the Superverse. This black hole is causally connected, through its ring singularity, to the white hole on the other side which is to us the very birth of our universe. The manifold of the Superverse, in effect, is turned inside out by this new born black hole and back again rendering the enclosed manifold that is to us our universe. Then also in the Penrose Diagram, like in the CPT-Symmetry model, again we see an opposite parallel anti-verse to our own; the other jet. [13]
Now initially I had chosen the name Alpha White as being the project codename for the entire Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis. I did this in complete mirror reflection of my music player’s project codename: Black Omega. Also I hadn’t really chosen a name for my hypothesis because I was still trying to work it out. But moreover in the very genesis of this idea I was shown a vision of the place where souls are born and kept. And so I saw that the light was good and Saturn separated the light from the darkness.
I called it Alpha White for it is a sacred thing to me even though I did not know what it fully meant. I named it in opposite mirror reflection of my original project, Black Omega. Just as the date upon which I write these words is a mirror reflection of the year being 12/02/2021.
A friend was kind enough to point out how this name might be taken in the wrong direction when viewed through a certain critical lens of myopic stupidity and narrow mindedness that is all the virtual signalling sociopathic rage. To whit I say “Fantastic! By your actions shall we know thee as judgement is written and passed.”
However, I did do a bit of rebranding but I will not hide the name; for it is sacred to me. It is sacred because in my life I first developed Black Omega a work driven by the pure love of coding and music. Black Omega is the path that led me to this Alpha White; the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis. Glad I stuck to my guns precisely because of how I came to see the flip side of a rotating black hole as being a white hole. This now gives the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis it’s most critical argument the exact how and why our universe was born.
Secondly, it has rendered what I call my “point versus ring singularity” argument. The classical Big Bang always assumes that the gravitational singularity is a single infinitely dense point in which everything is contained. Off course that point singularity almost immediately annihilates itself save for a slight imbalance in the matter / antimatter ratio. And all that before it undergoes a . So obviously not a very good solution as compared to a ring shaped singularity as given to us by the Kerr metric.
Thirdly and more specifically returning back to the artefact there are two symmetric circle of life patterns. It is this six sided hexagonal flower that has been a central focal point of thought. This meditation is also coupled with thinking about the four points of the cross side by side with the Buddhist Wheel of Life. As evident from my film, this meditation of thought, focuses on the lower dipole maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
Now I had a number of ideas. The most prominent was that a six sided universe gave us six leptons and six fermions. However the real credit I would now give to Lior Shamir in showing that these lobes on the CMB are related to the preferred rotation of galaxies. Before I was trying to rationalise it in terms of a local phenomena as a means to understanding the unusual alignment to our own solar system. However this shows that it is a global phenomena and rotation of the universe as a whole is key. [14]
In order for my ring singularity argument to have validity I need rotation. In fact, as I have carefully laid out in my essay describing exactly what a hypernova is we see that rotation is the single key ingredient. Through the work Lior Shamir I now have a critical line of evidence that shows rotation played a critical role in the Big Bang itself as seen in the lower dipole maps of the CMB.
I probably would not have focused so much on this line of thought and enquiry if it was not for the circle of life patterns upon this artefact.
Fourthly, in thinking about white holes being the flip side of black holes there is a pattern of recursion. A black hole in the Superverse is the white hole which gives birth to our universe. Then surely a black hole inside our universe would give rise to bubbles of twin enclosed vacuum spaces emerging from the location of the black hole. Or to give its real physical name: Fermi Bubbles [15].

The idea is that a rotating black hole exists in a larger scale vacuum space. From the maximally extended Penrose Diagram it is causally connected to a white hole in the exact same location. In effect the black hole is a scale transformer from one enclosed vacuum space to a smaller enclosed vacuum space. The source term, the lambda, of this vacuum space is the white hole. This smaller enclosed vacuum space, like a balloon being inflated, expands and occupies a subset of the volume of the larger space. So as our own Jet-a-verse occupies a subset of the volume of the Superverse; then so to do black holes in our universe inflate balloon manifolds inside the volume of our own universe and which we currently call Fermi Bubbles. [13] [16]
This leads straight into my fifth main new argument in how this pattern of recursion gives rise to Fermi Bubbles. Specifically where to find the encoded information of those things that actually fell into the black hole. Thus giving me an attack vector in resolving the greatest mystery of physics for the last 40 years: The Black Hole Information Paradox.
Sixth, in doing the figures for the previous chapter “Definitions” I came upon another major line of enquiry. Specifically, the work of Frank Wilczek. In an interview it was his discussion of the relationship between Quantum Chromodynamics and “Jets”. I had my smallest pattern as being electron-positron annihilation now I have it at the quark scale. What’s more is how Frank described how his equations at their most fundamental level as having “scale invariance”. Just that when it comes to gravity, as Frank says, no body has thought of it. All the while I am running a series of victory laps around my office. The guy won a Nobel Prize in Physics for this work.
Seven, coming straight on the heels of Frank’s work is Nassim Haramein’s work which combines QCD, jets and the holographic principle into this idea of holographic mass. From what I understand he has managed to calculate the theoretical size of the proton to within the precision of what has been experimentally measured. This is a big deal to any physics geek as it was discovered in around 2010 that the diameter of the proton between what had been theoretically predicted and measured was off by about 5%. [17] [18] [19]
Off course, all these things that I have touched upon here are the subject of future essays each of which is pillar in and off itself that go to show the potential validity of the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis. But behind all of these things I have here listed has been the symbology inscribed upon this series of artefacts which coincidentally belonged to the Jewish High Priest who infamously sent Jesus Christ to the cross. [9] [10]
Well to quote Arthur Dent; “I seem to be having this tremendous difficultly with my lifestyle”... at which point it started more and bloodier religious wars than history had previously seen. [20]
- [1] Cool horizons for entangled black holes - Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind
- [2] Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass - Nassim Haramein
- [3] A Gravitational Origin of the Arrows of Time - Julian Barbour, Tim Koslowski and Flavio Mercati
- [4] A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework - J. S. Farnes
- [5] Concentric circles in WMAP data may provide evidence of violent pre-Big-Bang activity. V. G. Gurzadyan and R. Penrose
- [6] Tibetan Cosmological Models - Connecticut State University
- [7] Caiaphas Ossuary Symbols Decoded - Yirmeyahu Ben-David
- [8] Elaborate ossuary of “Joseph son of Caiaphas” - Israel Museum, Jerusalem
- [9] Matthew : 26 - New Testament Bible (New International Version)
- [10] John : 18 - New Testament Bible (New International Version)
- [11] Nails of the Cross - Simcha Jacobovici
- [12] Revelation : 13 - New Testament Bible (New International Version)... mostly harmless and comes with soft fluffy paws
- [13] Penrose diagrams - University of Colorado
- [14] Multipole alignment in the large-scale distribution of spin direction of spiral galaxies - Lior Shamir
- [15] Fermi Bubbles - NASA
- [16] Something Strange Is Happening in the Fermi Bubbles - Paul M. Sutter
- [17] The Electron and the Holographic Mass Solution - A. K. F. Val Baker, N. Haramein, and O. Alirol
- [18] Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass - Nassim Haramein
- [19] How big is the proton? Particle-size puzzle leaps closer to resolution - Davide Castelvecchi, Nature
- [20] Vl'Hurgs - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Wiki)